Pain Can Enhance a Relationship if You Work Together

Published March 17, 1983. Be assured that marriage is alive and well in Utah. A few weeks ago I wrote a column titled “Who Speaks For Marriage?” Readers were invited to write in and express their thoughts on what they enjoyed about being married. I received some interesting letters stating some advantages and positive aspects of wedded life.

One letter in particular intrigued me. It was from a friend, Don Searle, who also works at BYU. He wrote “The enclosed bit of poetry is a response to your request for comments from readers. It reflects some thoughts about a particular aspects of marriage I believe is overlooked by lovers contemplating life together.”

“It was, coincidentally, something I have been thinking about for some time. Most of the poem was written last summer, long before I read your recent column. I am not advocating the creation of pain as a way to strengthen a bond between two people. There is no need for that, since pain will inevitably come. When it does, though, we ought to be prepared to handle it in a way that can strengthen the relationship.”

Here is Don's poem entitled “Union.”
We speak light-hearted banter,
our minimum daily trivia,
the nuts and bolts and memos
of a marriage
so we won’t have to say
the things that really matter.
We marvel at the baby,
And the price of food,
Or how our young have grown.
Never will we touch
The private hurts,
Deep wells of sorrow
Where two together drink
Along with taught
We are a legal pair,
Or so the records say
But legal jargon’s silent
About the way to weld
Enduring, fruitful union
That binds in time of hurt
No words in passing will suffice.
I would taste your grief,
And blend your tears with mine
For what was wedded truly
If joy is all we share?
Our love must still be stronger
Than the stinging moment’s lash.
Come, speak to me of grief,
Of dreams no more than ash,
Of scars you charge to me.
Let me leave with you
Silent sorrow borne,
Leave it faded withered,
And take up patience, peace.
Let us build a union
To match the strength of years,
Secure in power of loving
Beyond the pull of pain.
Don L. Searle

We thank Don for sharing his poetic thoughts with us.

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