Who Will Be Honorary ‘Mr. Mom?’

Published June 28, 1984. Husbands, in case you haven’t heard, Sunday, July 29th, has been designated as Mom’s Day Off. On that day husbands are asked to take over while the woman of the house has a vacation from her usual routine. That’s correct, we want you to fix all the meals, clean up afterward, take care of the children, (which includes getting them ready for church) and, in general, do everything your wife usually does for just one day.

The whole thing started a few weeks ago when I indicated in my column that I had done this on Mother’s Day for my wife Susan. I received numerous letters from women who said I was not that original in my efforts. They indicate their husbands had done the same. But the interesting thing was the frequent suggestions that we husbands do it more often.

So I figured, what the heck. Why not have a little fun and see if we can change things. In last week’s column, Sunday, July 29th was officially declared Mom’s Day Off by yours truly, I ask for a start of just ten thousand husbands. Hopefully, there will be more.

Now what we also need, I think, is an Honorary Mr. Mom. Some husband who could serve as the ideal role model to other men in this endeavor. What are the requirements for our first Honorary Mr. Mom Award? A man who (1) is a resident of Utah and fairly well-known, (2) is married, (3) is willing to take over running his home on Sunday, July 29, and (4) is willing to encourage other husbands to do the same.

So let’s have a contest. Let’s select an Honorary Mr. Mom for July 29. Send in your nominations during the next few days, and on July 12 I will print the nominees and we (meaning the wives of Utah) will vote.

Who would be the ideal nominee for our Honorary Mr. Mom Award? What husband is well-known and would qualify? If Robert Redford will be in town, he is one possibility. But then again, I’m not sure Bob does windows. Let’s see. How about Governor Matheson? If he were elected our Honorary Mr. Mom for July 29, maybe he could declare it a state event. Perhaps I should contact Norma first and see if the governor helps out much around the house.

I’ve just thought of another possibility. Dr. Truman Madsen, professor of philosophy and religion at Brigham Young University. Truman is well known and recently co-authored a book about marriage with Stephen Covey. I was having lunch with Truman last week, and he said, and I quote, “There is not one task or job in our house that I have not done or am unwilling to do and do often.” That sounds like the credentials for an excellent Mr. Mom, doesn’t it? However, maybe I should first call his wife Ann and check Truman out. Perhaps we should jointly nominate Truman Madsen and Stephen Covey as a team.

There are other possibilities for our Honorary Mr. Mom Award. There are those associated with the media (radio, television or newspapers) who could be nominated. There are also many husbands of note involved in civic and community activities who might qualify. Maybe someone associated with athletics could be our representative. During this election year there may be some political candidates who may want to lead the way.

Think over the list of possibilities and send in your nomination in the next two or three days for our Honorary Mr. Mom Award.  A man must receive more than one nomination to be put on the ballot, and we will vote on July 12 when the nominees will be listed in this column.

In the meantime, talk it over with your husband, and see if he is willing to participate and be the Mr. Mom in your home on Sunday July 29. If so, let me know and we will add his name to the Mom’s Day Off Honor Roll. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.

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