Nothing Like Well-Written Poetry to Stimulate Thought, Emotion

Published August 1, 1985. For some time I have believed that a few lines well written, and perhaps in rhyme, say more and stimulate more thought than long drawn-out speeches. Recently I read a few compositions that I would like to share with you. The first is a sonnet, the second a poem, and the third a little homespun advice on marriage.

The sonnet was written by Bobbye Wood, an English teacher from Ft. Worth, Texas. Her sonnet goes as follows:
And they have loved – and learned through many years
That laughter is one bond that holds them close,
Along with kindness, caring, listening to the heart,
Forgiving more than those with rules suppose;
They’ve learned to share the grief that halves the pain;
They’ve learned to share the dividends of joy;
They’ve built of common values and desires
A school where close companions learn to grow,
A place where friendship’s echoes are alive.
Where education’s benefits can show.
Now they regard enrichment as the key
To intimacy’s joy and mystery.”
This poem was written by a pioneer in marriage education and counseling in the United Sates, Dr. David Mace.
There are two ways to go – The downward path to failure,
With dreary steps and slow;
Or the upward climb to the grassy slopes
Where streams of healing flow;
And every couple must decide
Which way they mean to go.
The downward journey is easy.
But it leads to pain and sorrow;
To the breaking of trust and the fading of hope
To a disillusioned tomorrow.
The upward journey is arduous,
The demand is for love and for care;
For the daily renewal of trust and of hope.
And the effort to build and repair.
There are two ways to be married.
A high way and a low;
And every couple must decide
Which way they mean to go.
And finally, here are four observations on marriage by James N. McClure, who was married for more than 60 years:
  1. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.
  2. The best way to make a game of housework is to treat it as a team sport.
  3. There is safety in the kitchen. No women has ever been booked for shooting her husband when he was washing the dishes.
  4. Marriage is like twirling a baton, turning handsprings or eating with chopsticks. It looks easy until you try it.
Perhaps you have a thought, sonnet or poem about marriage you would like to share.

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