Parents Drive Off, Leave Their Child ‘Lost in Luxury’

Published October 13, 1983. An embarrassing thing happened to us a year ago last summer. Susan and I took our six children out to eat at Hamburger World in Orem. As we were leaving, Kris (age 2) was hesitant to come out, so we sent Jason (age 5) to get her. That is like sending the wolf to bring home the sheep. Kris finally joined us but Jason decided to go to the restroom. We did not notice his absence and drove off, leaving him behind.

We drove to some friends who live in Orem and intended to visit for a few minutes. Several children were playing in the neighborhood, so our children joined them. It was not until we left about 30 minutes later that we finally missed Jason. We made a frantic call back to Hamburger World. Yes, there had been a little boy named Jason who was left. But they had called the Orem City Police, who came and took him down to the police station.

As we drove toward the police station I thought about the conversation between Jason and the officers. What was his name? Who was his father and mother? Where did his father work? What did he teach at BYU? Was he the Barlow who wrote on family life for the Deseret News? I could envision the smirks and smiles on the faces of the investigating officers.

Upon arriving at the police station I suddenly felt ill and suggested to Susan that she go in and get Jason. She, too, was hesitant, so we both went in to find that Jason had suddenly remembered his street address and requested a ride home in a squad car. An officer “just happened” to be going that way, and responded to his request.

Much to the envy of the neighborhood children, Jason and the officer drove right up into our driveway. We arrived just as they did, thanked the officer, and found Jason with a broad grin covered by a strawberry shake donated by some sympathetic employee at Hamburger World.

Later that evening Susan and I talked over the incident. How could parents leave their children at fast-food restaurants? You see, this was not the first time it had happened. A few years ago Susan had taken the kids to the zoo and then to McDonalds in Salt Lake. And at that time 6-year-old Brian was left behind. Only that time Susan got back to pick him up before the Salt Lake Police arrived.

Why us? Are we that careless and forgetful? We worried about it for a long time. That is, until last week.

Brian is now in the seventh grade at Orem Junior High. Robert (Bob) Carter, his English teacher, assigned Brian to write an essay. Brian wrote it, received an “A” grade and brought it home. While passing by the kitchen table last week, I glanced down and saw Brian’s essay. It was titled “Lost in Luxury.” Read it and draw your own conclusions:
We were visiting the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake. I was starving. For a boy of 6 I felt that if I didn’t get food soon, I wouldn’t live to be 7. We left to go and get some lunch about 3 p.m. (Thank goodness!) We stopped at a local McDonalds, and I ran in and sat down. My mom ordered and handed me a couple of cheeseburgers. I gobbled them up. I was still hungry. My mom wouldn’t let me get any more. After pouting a couple of minutes, she interrupted me by saying, “Go wash your face.” I madly stomped into the restroom. After getting all the mustard off my face, I began to play with the hand dryers. I turned them upside down and threw water in them.

I came out of the restroom ready to beg my mom for some more food and realized she was gone. My first thought was that she was hiding from me. I searched the restaurant and parking lot. She had left with my brothers and sisters and forgotten the most important one – ME!

I began to cry. A McDonalds worker happened to see me and asked me what was wrong. I told her my story, and she asked me if I wanted a sundae. I said ‘yes’ and ate it. Then she handed me a box of cookies. I ate them. The lady kept giving me little treats until my mom returned.

I got to thinking. It turned out for the best. I got back at my mom and couldn’t eat another bite.

The strange thing is the very same thing happened to my younger brother, Jason, last summer.

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