Published August 16, 1984. Have you ever had the distinct feeling that your husband or
wife does not always listen to you when you talk? Most of us have. Writing in
the Kol Ohsuim, the Jewish Marriage Encounter Publication of Minnesota, Joan
Fishman has cleverly put this phenomenon in writing. It was reprinted in the June
edition of Marriage Encounter Magazine, and I thought you might appreciate
Joan’s insights. Her article, titled “It Was Tuesday,” is as follows:
It was Tuesday
And therefore they were home,
Because he bowled on Thursdays,
And football with the guys was
Monday Nights.
Naturally, she went to PTA on
He had poker on Sundays,
She, bridge on Fridays.
And Saturday, one of them was
always busy.
But it was Tuesday,
And therefore they were home
“Why look,” she exclaimed, “It’s
“Won $2.50 last night,” was his
“I didn’t notice that before.”
“One heckuva game.”
“Although I did notice it getting
cloudy around three.”
“The office was awfully busy
“I took an umbrella.”
“Wasn’t even time for a coffee
“But I didn’t need it. Are you
“Of course, Dear.”
“It’s supposed to continue
“My secretary is away, really
messes things up.”
“I was supposed to have my hair
done, too.”
“The new girl is awful.”
“I guess many people will cancel.”
“But she’ll improve with time.”
It was Tuesday
And therefore they were home.
“My goodness,” he exclaimed, “It’s
It was Tuesday
And therefore they were home
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