Plain Vanilla Marriages Best

Published October 11, 1979. If we were to believe the frequent reports of the mass media, we could assume that Americans have abandoned traditional marriage altogether. We read and hear of communal marriages, homosexual marriages, couples cohabiting together without marriage, married couples who are mate swappers (not wife swappers… that’s sexist) and couples who marry but plan not to have any children. And the list goes on and on.

We also hear alarming statistics regarding marriage and the family, but one statistic disclosed by the 1977 Census largely goes unnoticed. According to the national survey, people involved in “experimental” marriages comprise only 4 percent of the population. Perhaps we are still more traditional than we think.

After a detailed review of contemporary marriage in America. Dr. Carlfred Broderick, noted marriage therapist from the University of Southern California, observed in his book “Marriage and the Family” that “Marriage today is not so different from the past as one might imagine, although there have been some important changes, such as the increase in divorce and remarriage.”

To document his claim, Dr. Broderick reported that the overwhelming majority (93 percent) of Americans marry, “and for most people being married means having children.” Noting the birth rates and infant mortality trends Broderick indicated:

“. . . Young couples are less likely to be childless (today) than couples of either their parents’ or their grandparents’ generation.” Even though some 40 percent of those who marry at the present time will terminate the relationship by divorce, Dr. Broderick also reminds us that 80 percent will remarry within two to three years.

Evidence that we have not abandoned our traditional views on marriage, which is one man legally married to one woman with the anticipation of having children, was recently reported in “The Journal of Psychology.” The research indicated that “forsaking all others” for marriage is still a popular position despite all the alternative lifestyles available. About 70 percent of the college students surveyed indicated they believed that traditional marriage and family would be most fulfilling, 22 percent stated they were uncertain, and only 8 percent said they were sure there was a better way for two people to live in a relationship.

We have heard a great deal recently about open marriage where the emphasis is on the freedom of each spouse to have separate as well as joint sectors in their lives. Dr. Broderick also notes:

“Over the years I have watched couples try a wide variety of “open” approaches to their marriages. I guess I have finally concluded that open marriage is like a highly advertised fad diet. It promises renewed vitality and boundless energy by providing several times the minimum daily requirements of freedom, variety and growth. As with such promotions, books are written, testimonials collected, movements launched, and regular meetings of the true believers set up.”

Dr. Broderick continues: “Bedazzled customers are assured that if they still feel empty after using the prescribed diet, it is their own fault. They have not followed the instructions, their attitude has been wrong, their own metabolism is deficient. But as pain multiplies and resentment fails to yield to rhetoric, it finally becomes apparent that the much-advertised super nutrient is lacking in essential vitamins.”

He then concludes: “It seems clear to me that while freedom, variety, and growth are essential ingredients in the human diet, so also are safety, trust and stability. People have known this for generations, but sometimes they get excited about the new product and forget.”

A few years ago, while I was teaching at Southern Illinois University, a colleague, Dr. Jacquie Eddleman, coined the phrase Plain Vanilla marriage. Her definition of “plain vanilla” was traditional marriage which seems to lack the excitement and apparent attractiveness of other marital lifestyles.

But, according to Dr. Eddleman, “Plain Vanilla” marriage has proven to be the most reliable and most sought-after marital type in the United States. Even among those few who seek non-traditional marriages, the majority eventually return back to what has been called “straight marriage.”

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