Published April 28, 1989. There is no question that some divorces are justified.
Situations arise that make it
difficult for two people to live together. And even if an appropriate choice is
made for a marriage partner, people can change over time to the point that he
or she is no longer desirable for a marital relationship. Raymond Hull once
observed “All marriages are happy. It’s the living together afterward that
causes all the trouble.”
The decision to divorce is seldom made quickly. Years ago
William Goode dispelled the quick-divorce myth in his book “After Divorce.” He
noted that there are usually several months between the time the divorce is
first contemplated and the time the marriage is legally terminated. Goode
further noted the intense deliberation that most couples undertake in trying to
decide whether or not to end their marriage. This was particularly so if
children were involved.
During the past few years I have discussed with many couples
the possibility of divorce. A number of couples who initially seek marriage
counseling later decide to end their marriage for various reasons. Two factors
usually help them make the decision: (1) the emotional and sometimes physical
pain endured by staying in the relationship and (2) the final realization the
“marriage” ended some time ago and the unwillingness of either or both parties
to continue to live in pretense.
For many couples contemplating divorce, I have suggested the
two-step process. In reality, it is simply a trial divorce. Rather than
proceeding immediately to the lawyer’s office with a public announcement to
family and friends that the marriage has ended, I suggest they do it in two
The first step is to physically separate, with one partner
finding another apartment or place to live for a few weeks. The action is as
private as possible, and if “inquiring minds want to know” the couple simply
suggests, “We are working on some things in our marriage.” No intention of
divorce is yet disclosed to anyone, including the children if there are any.
Either husband or wife may be the first to leave, and the
one leaving may return to the home any time he/she feels inclined to. The
couple is encouraged to talk to each other as much and as often as possible. If
and when times for sexual intimacy arise with each other, the couple is
encouraged to act accordingly if they choose to do so. In reality, they are
still married. I have yet to see a marriage continue where there is no degree
of sexual intimacy on a continued basis.
What the trial divorce accomplishes is simply this. It
leaves the door open for the marriage to continue if both partners desire to do
so. In addition, they do not have to go through the public hassle with family
and friends of separating. It gives the couple a chance to experience to some
degree what it will be like living apart from each other. In addition, they can
more easily continue the relationship if they desire.
Many couples who choose a trial or two-step divorce find
themselves under much less stress during the separation and later continue on
with the legal aspect of divorce. Others, as noted, physically separate and
find the arrangement less convenient than they had anticipated. Many are then
more motivated to return to the relationship and work a bit harder in trying to
solve their problems. The trial divorce gives the couple a little more time to
think about what they want to do.
If you are seriously contemplating divorce, you may want to
try it in the two stages suggested. One or the other move out for two or three
weeks and then rotate living situations. After four to six weeks you can still
continue on with the legal arrangements if you desire. But, if you both have
changed your mind in the process, you can more easily move back in together and
continue your relationship.
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